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Vermilion Local Schools

Every adult helping every child succeed today, tomorrow, and beyond!

Honors Diploma

What are the State of Ohio Honors Diplomas?

High school students can gain state recognition for exceeding Ohio’s graduation requirements through an honors diploma. Students challenge themselves by taking and succeeding at high-level coursework and in real-world experiences.

Ohio students have the opportunity to choose to pursue one of six honors diplomas:

  1. Academic Honors Diploma
  2. Career Tech Honors Diploma
  3. STEM Honors Diploma
  4. Arts Honors Diploma*
  5. Social Science and Civic Engagement Honors Diploma 

*includes dance, drama/theatre, music, and visual art.

Please see the following website for detailed information about each of these options. 

Students must complete a worksheet for the type of Honors Diploma they are pursuing and submit it to the school counselor by May 1st of their senior year.  If a student needs a portfolio reviewed as part of their Diploma option, it is up to the student to notify their school counselor and principal to allow the district enough time to secure a panel of experts for portfolio and document review and verification.

Students will find the following documents and guidance useful in determining how to decide whether or not they qualify for an honors diploma and how to go about the process of receiving an honors diploma: