Blended Learning is a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path and or pace and at least in part at a supervised brick and mortar location away from home.
Blended Learning Pillars
Personalization- Student academic progress is closely monitored and instruction is modified to meet individual needs
High Expectations- Each student has clearly defined rigorous standards that prepare them for college and career
Mastery Learning- Students have the opportunity to learn at their own pace and receive credit upon demonstrating mastery of core concepts through assessment, application or real world collaborative projects.
Student Agency- Students are empowered with skills, information, and tools needed to measure and take responsibility for their own learning.
Relationships- Our teachers form caring relationships with students to gain a greater understanding of individual needs.
Administrative Expectations
● Provide professional development to meet district wide goals.
● Assist teachers in providing authentic assignments and assessments.
● Provide parents and students with the academic integrity policy and ensure that all parties adhere to the policy.
● Access district reports from software systems and use department/grade level meetings to analyze data and drive instruction.
● Meet with teachers monthly to discuss teacher progress towards implementing district-wide goals
Teacher Expectations
● All teachers will differentiate and personalize instruction to meet the needs of each student.
● Core subject teachers will use approved adaptive software to differentiate instruction.
● Non core subject teachers are expected to utilize adaptive software and/or apply the blended learning pillars as applicable to their content area.
● Classrooms will be structured to meet the district adopted strategies of blended learning, center/stations based instruction, and co-teaching.
● Define expectations for student work or provide a rubric for written and/or collaborative projects.
● Respond to all student and/or parent phone calls or emails within 24 hours.
● Respond sensitively to inquiries about assignments and expectations.
● Keep accurate and timely records of student progress and graded assignments.
● Meet with students twice a month to discuss goals, learning targets, and student progress.
● Communicate monthly with all parents of students earning a grade below a C (70%). Communication may be by phone or email. If there is no parent response via email, a phone call needs to be made. A communication log must be kept.
● Assessment, application, and real world collaborative projects will be used to demonstrate mastery.
● Evidence of mastery (student work) will be posted in the classroom
● In the event of a calamity day, students will be required to complete the online lesson as indicated on the pacing chart.
● Teachers will provide a pacing chart and set due dates for assignments and tests. The pacing charts are available for parents to help monitor and track your child’s progress. Students who are working ahead of the pace will not be penalized.