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Vermilion Local Schools

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Advanced Placement AP

Are you thinking about taking Advanced Placement classes? Many colleges strongly encourage you to take A.P. courses. Explore this link to help you decide!

The College Board provides students the opportunity to pursue college-level studies while in high school and to possibly receive Advanced Placement (AP) credit upon entering college.  Vermilion High School offers the following AP courses:

AP Calculus AB 
AP English Literature & Composition

All AP courses receive a weighted grade.  AP exams in their subjects are available to selected proficient and prepared students.  Students may take the AP exam without taking the course; however, this situation is rare.  AP exams in other areas are available to selected proficient and prepared students. See your respective counselor for more information. 
Each AP exam costs approximately $90.00. AP exams are administered at VHS each year in May.   Exam registration for this school year takes place in the fall.  A fee reduction is available when a verifiable need exists.
More information about AP courses 
Advanced Placement Transfer Credit- This site will explain more about how scores transfer and it has a search tool will help you look up credit awarded for a given score at any of Ohio’s public institutions.

AP Scores - Use this link to view and send your scores. Be sure to send your AP scores to college where you would like to enroll to ensure accurate college credit (automatic credit at Ohio public colleges for scores of 3+).